About us


To research and advise upon the influence of commercial and political communication in society and culture


The Network progresses on the recognition that media and persuasive communications are better understood by inter-disciplinary means than in disciplinary isolation.


  1. To identify research, practice and scholarship taking place within the University that has bearing on MPC
  2. To network and foster collaborative ways of sharing insights and research (within the University and externally)
  3. To create an identifying mark and web-presence for MPC research taking place at the University (aiding in networking with other universities and grant applications)
  4. To act as a resource for individual projects taking place under MPC auspice
  5. To interact with policy-makers, industry and public services at Welsh, UK, European and international levels.
  6. To develop collaborative research projects and surveys
  7. To generate research students and income
  8. Our steering committee is made up of colleagues from across the University to ensure interdisciplinarity.

In practice

We operate on a flexible networking model. In practical terms this means that not all colleagues within the Network need contribute to each given project. The degree of involvement is generated by subject-specialist relevance.

Project possibilities are endless, and we leave it to you to have a look at our Member list and projects and consider possibilities for collaboration, synthesis and co-emergent projects.

The interdisciplinary nature of our team of experts grants us multiple approaches to policy, business and public service problems.

Contact Us

If you would like to talk through ideas and options for problems you would like researched, contact  Vian Bakir or Andrew McStay.